Name: Charles Swart
Area: JHB
Courses offered: Folder making(slip joints and liner locks), fixed blades and leather work
Contact – 082 2345678
Name: Pieter Van De Bank
Area: Heidelberg – Western Cape
Course offered: 1 Day introductory bladesmithing course
Contact – 084 659 7652
Name: Andre Erasmus
Area: Klerksdorp
Courses offered: 2 Day stock removal hollow ground fixed blade hunter with tapered tang, bolsters and leather sheath; 3Day Linerlock folder with bearings.
Contact: 084 825 4427
Name: Rutherford Forge – Hylton Rutherford
Area: JHB North
Courses offered: Bladesmithing -knives, axes, swords. Blacksmithing – Tools, hammers, ornaments and jewelry. Damascus 1 day course
Contact details: 082 654 9401
Name: Gilles Pretorius
Area: Muckleneuk Pretoria
Courses offered: 2 day forging course. 1 on 1 courses on request
Contact details: 0763941878
Name: Harker Custom Knives (Dean Harker, Ed Harker)
Area: Joburg South
Courses offered: 1 day forging course @R1500, 2 day stock removal @R2000
Contact details: 082 674 1924,
Name: Sisinde Survival Skills
Area: Randfontein
Courses offered: Stock removal knife making classes (Ages 10 and up)
Contact details: 0614592272
Name: Eyrie Forge – Stan Hohowsky
Area: Cape Town – Elsies River
Courses offered: Basic introduction to bladesmithing, San Mai Course, Damascus Course, Folder Course on demand
Contact details: 0826621947
Name: Sarelventer customknives
Area: Pretoria
Courses offered: One Day Knife Course
Contact details: 0828530534, 0732285556
Name: Jean Wilke – Fire Goby Forge
Area: Pretoria
Courses offered: 2-day knife Forge course (forge your own “Wolhuter Lion killer” replica)…no prior experience required! Ages 10* to 110
Contact details: ; 083 654 5408
Name: Rucus Coetzee – Custom Blades & Artknives
Area: Misgund, Eastern Cape (under 2 hours from George)
Courses offered: 3 day Weekend course in the countryside – Full Comprehensive Bladesmithing/Knifemaking course on the farm (knife and sheath) Includes full Accommodation & Catering. R7 900
Name: Ben von Wielligh – Blacksmith forging classes
Area: Nelspruit
Courses offered: Blacksmith forging classes from Beginners to Advanced
Contact details: 076 248 1523
Name: Bert Rozenkrantz
Area: Pretoria Les Marais
Courses offered: 1day all inclusive knive making. Forge, profile, harden, temper, handle and sheath. All for R1500
Contact Bert: 0829241659 /
Social media; groups Bert’s knives; Albert Barend Rozenkrantz